Comparative Nutritional Value Analysis of Oven Dried and Sun Dried Ginger (Zingiber officinale) and their Tenderization Effects on Old Layer Chickens in Pankshin Lga of Plateau State, Nigeria


Fresh Ginger Rhizomes (Zingiber officinale) were procured from Monday market located in Pankshin LGA of Plateau State and was transported to Federal College of Education, Pankshin for processing analysis. The fresh Ginger Rhizome was washed with distilled water to remove the adhering dirts. The rinds were peeled off after which they were chopped into smaller pieces using kitchen knife. It was sun dried in hostel 7, Federal College of Education, Pankshin and was also oven-dried in biology department laboratory two (2), Federal College of Education, Pankshin using an electric oven at a temperature of 6°C for 6-9 hours [8]. The oven dried Ginger and the sun dried Ginger were then blended using an electric blender (Model: BLFPPK-201) to form a powder. The grounded powder [9] was sieved in to fine texture. The sieved oven dried Ginger and the sun dried Ginger were stored in air tight container separately and taken to National Vertinary Institute (NVRI) VOM for nutritional analysis.